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Singapore 2024: Public and non-profit sector reputation index

Written by Hubspot Author | Apr 22, 2024 12:30:00 AM


What is this Index about?

The Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index is a globally validated model of reputation that has been adapted for the public sector. The model explores the reputation of public agencies from a micro, bottom-up lens, by looking at the components that drive reputation from the public’s perspective. This is the second year of the Index for Singapore, and this year, we have expanded the study to include both governmental and non-profit organisations. 

How is the Index measured?

Reputation is measured across 16 attributes, grouped into the following 4 pillars:

  • Trust
  • Leadership
  • Social Responsibility
  • Fairness

The reputation index is a composite score of these 16 attributes. The Index ranges from 0-100, with 100 being the perfect score. Singapore scores 75 points in 2024. 

We spoke to 1476 respondents and sought their views about 36 Singapore agencies. 

Data collection was conducted online. The sample is representative on age (18+), gender and ethnicity.


What are some of the key highlights?

1. Overall reputation among Singapore agencies improved slightly year on year, and remains ahead of both AU and NZ. 

2. What drives reputation has evolved, reflecting changing top-of-mind issues for residents. In the aftermath of Covid in 2023, leadership and ability to deliver positive social impact were top of mind in driving agencies’ reputation. 

Moving into 2024, the conversation is now turning to trust. Are agencies listening to the public? Are they being fiscally responsible? Do they have the public’s interest at heart?

3. Compared to a year ago, more audiences are also influenced by news media and independent bloggers and commentators, pointing to the need to guide against mis/dis-information from seemingly authoritative sources.


What are some of key takeaways?

Trust matters
This year, trust is where we saw the biggest improvements in performance, particularly in scores indicating that the public does notice and appreciate agencies being fiscally responsible and willing to listen to the public.

Do, show, tell
Building reputation is a combination of doing right, as well as telling it right. Showing the impact of your actions on citizens’ day-to-day and building up a wealth of trust and goodwill can help guard against misinformation and untruths, as well as generate support for future initiatives.

Plan for engagement
In a climate particularly prone to mis/dis-information, it is important for agencies to look for opportunities to grow their owned media, insert themselves into the conversation through stories that matters, and plan for responses to negative stories to reduce damage.


Would you like to know more about:

  • What the Index is about and how does it matter to me?
  • What is my agency's reputation index score, relative to others in a similar context?
  • What is shaping my agency’s reputation from the public’s perspective? What are my strengths and gaps?
  • What matters to citizens about my agency?
  • How do citizens perceive my public engagement efforts?
  • How do public perceptions differ across demographic segments?

Get a copy of your Agency Report today! The report covers more about what the index is about, as well as agency-specific insights and results.

Each repost is priced at S$5,900 + GST. This price includes:

  • 1 Agency-specific report
  • 1 Presentation to your organisation

For queries, please contact