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EU citizen views on humanitarian, financial, and military support for Ukraine

02 August 2024

Standard Eurobarometer 101


Verian experts captured European citizens' opinions and behaviours in the run-up to the European elections 2024.

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Views on humanitarian support

87% of respondents in the European Union agree with providing humanitarian support to people affected by the war. In every EU Member State, more than seven in ten respondents agree with this sentiment. Rates of support remain very high in most countries, particularly in Finland and Sweden (97% each). However, compared to the previous survey in October-November 2023 (ST100, Autumn 2023) agreement has slightly declined at EU level (-2 percentage points) and in 16 countries, most notably in Poland (-6 pp).

83% of respondents agreed to welcoming those fleeing the war into the EU, with more than 6 in 10 respondents in each EU Member State in agreement. The highest levels of support are in the Nordic countries, where 97% of respondents in both Denmark and Sweden, and 96% in Finland, share this view. In stark contrast, the highest rates of disagreement are found in Romania (26%), Bulgaria (30%) and Czechia (33%).

When compared to October-November 2023, the change is relatively small at EU level (- 1 pp) and at the national level, with respondents in 13 countries now being less likely to agree with welcoming people fleeing the war into the EU people.

Views on financial and military support

In addition, agreement among EU Member States is high when it comes to the EU’s response to the war in Ukraine regarding the provision of financial and military support: 70% of respondents in the EU agree with providing financial support to Ukraine (-2 pp since Autumn 2023). Simultaneously, 60% of respondents in the EU agree with financing the purchase and supply of military equipment to Ukraine, a figure that has remained unchanged since Autumn 2023.

In 26 Member States, more than 50% of respondents agree with providing financial support to Ukraine although levels of support vary from 95% in Sweden and 94% in Finland, to 52% in Czechia and 56% in Hungary. Only in Bulgaria does the proportion of respondents that agree with providing financial support to Ukraine falls below 50%. Here, opinion is divided (47% agree vs 47% disagree). Although agreement remains relatively high, it has declined in 17 countries since October-November 2023, with the largest declines seen in Poland and Luxembourg (-7 pp each).

Agreement with financing the purchase and supply of military equipment to Ukraine varies across EU Member States, ranging from 93% of respondents in Sweden, 91% in Denmark and 86% in Finland to 49% in Austria and Czechia. Since October 2023, agreement with this financing has increased in 15 EU Member States, most notably in Denmark (+8 pp), Romania and Czechia (both +7 pp). Comparatively, it has declined in 12 countries, with the largest drops in Malta (-13 pp), Slovenia (-8 pp) and Poland (-6 pp).

Julien Zalc

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