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Decoding X Conference

Date: 26 July 2024, 9.00am - 1.00pm (SGT)
Location: Big Picture, Capital Tower, 168 Robinson Road, Singapore


Agenda 2024


How can we build trust among the public and businesses in an age of complexity and uncertainty?

In an era where societies are dealing with increased misinformation, scams and social division, trust remains the essential currency for positive change and stability.

This year's Decoding X conference dives deep into the science of trust and explores how to build public and business confidence in order to navigate complexity. Leverage insights from behavioural science and research, and network with like-minded individuals to unlock the transformative power of trust in your organisation.

What will be discussed at the event?

Topics include:

Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index 2024

How does trust impact reputation? What factors into trust and reputation? Hear from us as we unveil the latest results from our Public and Non-Profit Sector Reputation Index 2024 and explore strategies to bridge the reputation-performance gap.

Corporate sustainability

How can we build trust by demonstrating a genuine commitment to responsible business practices, transparency, and ethical behaviour? Examine principles and frameworks in driving sustainable social impact with us.


How can we identify the ways in which misinformation undermines trust and manipulates public behaviour? Join us as we uncover interventions to empower citizens to combat misinformation and disinformation.

Designing for trust

How can we incorporate behavioural and design principles when strengthening trust with the public? Delve into effective ways to build and restore trust with users, consumers, employees, and organisational leaders.

Who is the event for?

Decoding X event is exclusively complimentary for individuals in the public sector, non-profit sector, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and multilateral organisations.

Conference details

  • Friday 26 July 2024
  • 9.00am - 1.00pm (SGT)
  • Big Picture, Capital Tower, 168 Robinson Road, Singapore

Limited seats are available - register to secure your place!


Sandra Lim

Managing Director, Singapore

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