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27 August 2024
Published in July 2024, the latest Special Eurobarometer conducted by Verian presents EU citizens’...
21 August 2024
At Verian, we work end-to-end across the policy cycle, bringing evidence, insights, research and...
21 August 2024
In an era of rapid change and complex challenges, trust is the cornerstone of successful innovation...
16 August 2024
Things in common in their country
15 August 2024
Sommarstiltje i inrikespolitiken betyder rekordlite partipublicitet. Samtidigt dominerar...
14 August 2024
Ensuring Value for Money (VfM) in government programmes and public spending is a key priority for...
13 August 2024
Following our Decoding X conference, where Rob McPhedran discussed the topic of misinformation, he...
9 August 2024
Eurobarometer reveals which values best represent the EU according to its citizens Eurobarometer...
30 July 2024
The final Verian poll (conducted 28th June - 1st July) correctly forecast the outcome of the...
25 July 2024
When asked what areas the EU should take measures in in the medium term (i.e. in the next five...
21 July 2024
Britons want the new Conservative party leader to prioritise increasing NHS capacity and growing...