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About us

Data Solutions

Verian Data Solutions is our proprietary, international data collection and data management capability, designed to deliver the evidence required by policy makers, decision makers and academics in government, multilateral agencies and leading universities. 

Our Data Solutions infrastructure is driven by continuous innovation to support the future of public policy research. It builds on many decades of experience in delivering data to government. Indeed, our story begins in the 1940s with our pioneering work for UK government to assess the impact of war time rationing on the British population. Eight decades of practice, innovation and technological transformation later, we deliver some of the largest, most complex and methodologically demanding programmes of citizen research in the world.  

Our Data Ecosystem is a conduit between policy makers and citizens, offering the ability to understand the values, attitudes and resources of households and individuals, and to co-create new ways of thinking about the future. We engage with many millions of people a year on behalf of our clients, reaching every part of the societies that we work in and engaging participants in even the most challenging and sensitive areas of policy.  

Our commitment is to maximise the ease with which the public can engage and the quality controls that support the interaction, and then power this by technology that allows integrated multi-mode research.  

For more information on our Data Solutions Services, contact us using the button below.

Global Contacts


Nicky Klein

Global Chief Data Officer 


Conducted interviews in over 100 countries


Over 6m citizen interviews conducted so far this year

Our approach 

Our international team of survey methodologists, statisticians, data modellers and econometricians synthesise classical methods with, as appropriate, pioneering machine learning and AI enabled approaches, and work across all types of data from socio economic, biomedical, model based, deliberative and secondary sources.  

National Statistics and Longitudinal data 

Our Data Solutions teams work as partners to a large portfolio of national and official statistics for governments and universities around the world. Supported by expertise in survey methods and questionnaire design, our data managers lead continuous programmes of data collection.  

Key to this is supporting our teams of in-home interviewers, who are specially trained to undertake work that can be complex and sensitive, directly with participants. 

Behaviour Change Lab  

Behaviour Change Lab provides a digital environment for developing and improving the effectiveness of public communications and other behavioural interventions. Utilised across multiple areas of public policy - including online misinformation and behaviour change communications for governments during the Covid pandemic - it allows for the pretesting and optimisation of government interventions. 

Multilateral Research Hub 

Based in Brussels, our practitioners implement international, and often simultaneous, multi country research programmes. Recent work has included concurrent and sequential mixed mode survey research in 29 countries. Our Multilateral Research Hub also supports the electoral forecasting of the European Parliamentary Elections, the largest transnational democratic event in the world.

Biomedical Data 

We have expertise in devising biomedical data collection programmes, often as part of longitudinal programmes that assess the complex interactions between socio economic and biomedical factors. This can involve in home, interviewer or nurse practitioner administered data collection. This is also commonly through participant self-collection, drawing upon recent developments in citizen friendly bio measurement technologies. 

Public Voice 

Launched in 2019, Public Voice is our proprietary digital random probability citizen panel, delivering high quality evidence at speed, designed to support the creation of Evidence for rapid policy formation and evaluation. Public Voice is currently available in the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia, Czechia and Luxembourg. The legacy and national partners’ probability-based panels are available in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, Malta, Cyprus and Slovenia.

Public Voice can also be used to create national or multilateral deliberative platforms, and bespoke digital longitudinal panels for specific policy areas.

Context Modelling  

Verian’s Context Model, launched in 2020, provides essential context to survey research, National Statistics and Longitudinal research programmes. Combining relevant data from available official government data and Open Data sources, it offers a wider context on research findings, explores correlations, and increases ROI and public value to a research programme. 

Data Innovation Hub

Based in Berlin, our Data Innovation Hub was launched in 2021 to support the local technology start up ecosystem and engage a new generation of thinkers on the future of citizen engagement, research design and public policy. We test and learn together on a programme of activity focused on machine learning and next-gen technology. 

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Der Verian Data Innovation Hub

Der Verian Data Innovation Hub wurde von Verian ins Leben gerufen, um technologische Innovationen im Bereich der Sozial-, Politik- und Meinungsforschung zu verankern. So sollen Ansätze aus Data Science und Automatisierungsmöglichkeiten genutzt werden, um empirische Daten und Erkenntnisse für den öffentlichen Sektor noch effizienter und effektiver zu liefern.

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Qualitative Research Practice

Verian UK’s specialist qualitative practice brings the citizen voice to the heart of policy making and public services. We are a community of qualitative researchers with expertise across policy development, service design, evaluation, communications, and behavioural insight, offering multiple perspectives to our clients’ challenges.  

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