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Development of Logic Model for Performing Arts Tour Pilot Grant

Policy Development and Evaluation

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  • Develop a Logic Model to articulate the process in achieving the desired impact (commercial viability and non-monetary outcomes) through the Performing Arts Tour Pilot Grant (PATPG)
  • Develop a set of indicators, and a template, to measure the success of the programme in achieving its outcomes
  • Provide recommendations for monetisation and job opportunities for the arts sector as well as engagement through alternative arts products


The project design involves 3 stages:

Stage 1: Develop an in-depth understanding of the types of data collected by existing programme evaluation efforts for Arts in Your Neighbourhood (AYN) and scoping the need to deliver a robust and practical logic model 

Comprehensive desk research to understand programme delivery mechanisms, relevant metrics and indicators for measuring the desired social impact(s) for social mixing

Stage 2: Designing a bespoke framework and evaluation methodology in the logic model against desired indicators, outcomes and benchmarks

Sensemaking of logic model and indicators through in-depth exploratory qualitative interviews with artists and programme partners and in-situ observation of programme sessions in Nov 2021 AYN edition to understand and map the context and complexity of participants’ experiences to the logic model refinement

Stage 3: Validation of logic model to triangulate final landing point of a suitable model with which to approach measuring social impact in the arts sector

This stage involves validating the logic model and robustness of indicators shortlisted through in-depth exploratory IDIs with experts in programme evaluation / community arts programming, and online survey of n=175 programme participants from Nov 2021 AYN Programme


Verian (formerly Kantar Public) has developed a validated logic model and relevant measurement indicators for the National Arts Council (NAC) and its stakeholders to use for the social impact assessment of performing arts tours.

Verian also estimated the tours' optimal pricing and provided insights to the economic sustainability of future performing arts tours.

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