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Belgium (EU Institution)

Powering decisions that shape the world

From November 2023, Kantar Public has rebranded to Verian.  To find out more about our next chapter, watch our video.

Our thinking


Since 2004, Verian has conducted Eurobarometer, analysing the political and social context of the European Union by surveying over 150,000 citizens annually.

Voice of Ukraine

Our award winning research programme has tracked the evolving priorities, challenges and living circumstances of displaced Ukrainian citizens over the last 18 months.

The Reykjavik Index for Leadership

Established in 2018 as the first global measure of perceptions of women and men's suitability for positions of leadership across the G7 and more than 40 other countries, covering all continents.

Hello and welcome to Verian

A warm welcome to Verian in Brussels (Belgium). Although we have a new name, we have deep roots. For more than five decades as Kantar Public we have been providing rigorous evidence and advisory services to support EU policymaking and communication campaigns. We apply robust approaches to help EU institutions and organisations unlock some of the most difficult public policy challenges and evaluate the impact of EU policies – from health and well-being to education, working conditions, digital, climate change and environment, gender equality, mobility, migration, and beyond. We have a strong expertise in political advisory work at EU level including the delivery of election work.

Get in touch to know more

Daniela, Tanja and Nicolas

Country Leaders

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Daniela Ulicna

Senior Business Development Director


Nicolas Becuwe

Senior Director and Head of the International Election team


Tanja Kimova

Head of Evidence Continental Europe

Our services

We work end-to-end across the public policy development cycle

We combine expertise in human understanding with advanced technologies and data science, connecting governments with citizens across the world. We work with our clients to create policy interventions, design better public services, and unlock behaviour change. ​​

We support the rapid development of policy thinking in moments of urgency. We implement policies on the ground for multi-laterals. We build communications to reach diverse and complex audiences. 

We provide the evidence base for policy design and decision making in governments and multilateral organisations around the world.

We help you enhance the design and development of public policies, programmes and interventions at every stage of the lifecycle to deliver public value.

Our experts have deep expertise and experience in understanding citizens’ behaviour and deconstructing the complex range of levers that can drive change.

Our expertise in political and opinion polling helps governments and policymakers make informed decisions and contribute to the quality of public debate.

Case study

Implementing vaccination policy across the EU

Policy Development and Evaluation


Case study

Measuring the digitisation of payments and the Eurozone cash economy



Case study

Forecasting the largest transnational elections in the world: European Elections 2019

Political, Opinion and Electoral


Recent articles

Verian Brussels and PPMI kickstart a project for European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to develop a community of practice in social and behavioural sciences.

Verian Brussels and PPMI kickstart a project for European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to develop a community of practice in social and behavioural sciences.
May 8, 2024

08 May 2024

On 6-9 June, European citizens will vote for European Parliament. The opinions and behaviours of Europeans in the run up to these elections have been captured by Verian experts in the latest European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer, conducted in February-March 2024.

The upcoming elections have garnered significant attention among Europeans when compared to the 2019 election. European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer found that six in ten respondents stated they were interested in the coming elections whereas less than half (49%) said so at a similar period of time in 2019. This increase is mainly driven by those who are “somewhat interested”, whose share increased from 36% in 2019 to 43% in February-March 2024. The interest has also increased slightly (+3 percentage points) since the Autumn 2023 survey.

The interest in European elections varies significantly among EU Member States. The highest results are seen in the Netherlands (72%), Germany (70%) and Ireland (69%), whereas the lowest interest is recorded in Czechia (38%), Bulgaria (40%) and Slovakia (43%). Nevertheless, interest throughout Czechia grew substantially since the Eurobarometer survey conducted prior to the previous elections in February-March 2019 (16% to 38%, +22 p.p.). Whereas the 5-point increase in Slovakia (from 28% to 43%) was among the smallest in the EU. Czechia, Croatia (37% to 61%, +24), Lithuania (36% to 56%, +20) and Finland (44% to 64%, +20) have experienced significant increases in interest, where those interested also have become the majority.

Variations in interest levels are also found between age groups where, respondents aged 55 or older are more likely to express interest than those between the ages of 15 and 24 (60% vs 51%) and those who finished their education at age 20 or older tend to be more interested than those who finished their studies before turning 16 years-old (69% vs 50%).

Those who say they are interested in the next European elections are – logically – more likely to know the exact dates of these next elections than those who do not express interest (17% vs 8%). In the whole of the EU, 14% of the respondents know the correct date, 15% the correct month and year and 38% know that the elections will take place this year but are unable to correctly identify the month. The highest knowledge of the correct date is in Belgium (26% of respondents) and Malta (24%) while the lowest is in Spain (2%), Finland, Ireland and Slovenia, all with 6%.

On 6-9 June, European citizens will vote for European Parliament. The opinions and behaviours of Europeans in the run up to these elections have been captured by Verian experts in the latest European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer, conducted in
May 3, 2024

03 May 2024

Verian experts present the results of the latest European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer to better understand the population’s behaviour and opinions in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.

On 6-9 June, European citizens will be voting for the new European Parliament. In an environment o f increasingly unstable global order and domestic problems such as weak economic growth and inflation, Europeans will decide who will represent them in EU-level decision-making to address these issues.

The Spring 2024 Eurobarometer findings show that 60% of respondents in the EU follow European politics- 5-points higher than the 2023 Autumn Survey, and the highest result since the 2022 Spring Survey.

Luxembourg (74%) and the Netherlands (73%) fair particularly high in relation to the following of European politics, whilst less than half of respondents do so in Bulgaria (47%) and Slovenia (46%).

Since the 2023 Autumn Survey, Lithuania has experienced the largest increase in the share of respondents following European politics, jumping from 45% to 61%, observing a notable increase of 16 percentage points. This is closely followed by Czechia (48% to 57%), Ireland (46% to 55%) and France (43% to 52%); all of whom saw an increase of 9 points. A decrease can only be observed in Malta (from 67% to 60%, -7 p.p.) and Cyprus (56% to 51%, -5 p.p.), however those following European politics still remain the majority.

At the EU level, men tend to exhibit more interest in European politics than women (64% vs. 57%). Similarly, older respondents (55+) are more inclined to follow the political landscape than their younger counterparts (15-24) (64% vs. 48%), with this trend also extending to educational attainment. Those who completed their education at the age of 20 or older are more likely to follow EU politics than those who left education at 15 or younger (71% vs. 50%).

Verian experts present the results of the latest European Parliament’s Spring Eurobarometer to better understand the population’s behaviour and opinions in the run-up to the 2024 European elections. On 6-9 June, European citizens will be voting for
April 29, 2024

29 Apr 2024

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